Patient Pre‐Treatment Instructions
Let us know if you are taking any new medications or herbals.
Remember to wear or bring shorts to each visit. Don’t wear tight jeans.
Bring your compression stockings to your visit.
You may shave your legs the morning of your treatment, but do not use any lotions or moisturizers.
Inspect your legs so you can point out the veins that bother you the most.
Patient Post‐Treatment Instructions
If compression stockings were recommended, wear them!
DO walk, and use your legs in a normal manner immediately after treatment. A 20‐minute walk or bike ride every day can yield better results.
DO continue your regular exercise program. If you normally do any weight training or high‐impact aerobics, postpone this for one week.
DO NOT expose your legs to the sun for at least 5 days. After that, always use at least an SPF 15 sunscreen. A sunburn after treatment will increase the risks of skin damage or ulceration.
DO NOT shave your legs until the morning after the treatment (risk of infection).
AVOID tub baths, saunas for one week after treatment.
At the injection sites: Small “mosquito bites”, reddish/brown bruising, or black and blue marks that change to a yellowish color are all normal. Bruising usually will fade within a week and should be completely gone in 2 weeks.
Along the treated veins: There may be some mild discomfort. The vein may appear like it has not been injected at all, or may appear lighter. The veins can take up to 8 weeks to fade even when properly treated. The vein may feel hard or lumpy in places. This is also normal when larger veins are treated. A painful lump that is present 2 weeks after treatment is probably trapped blood. Trapped blood is caused when blood is stuck between two closed vein segments. It poses no health threat to you. It should be drained, however, to give the best cosmetic results. If you think you have trapped blood, call us so we can see you to drain this areas before your next scheduled treatment.
You have severe leg pain or swelling.
You have difficulty walking.
It took years for your veins to get this way, please be patient and allow the time necessary to see your results!